Let me give you some examples of common sense that Reality teaches me. The most global idea is that Common Sense will guide people through Reality to a prosperous future for humanity in infinity. For this, conflicts must cease, and this is possible when people become Reasonable. For this, people must also be healthy physically, mentally and socially, this requires physical, mental and social activity, healthy nutrition, and a healthy environment.
The division into male and female is a useful feature that gives an advantage in reproduction. And the creation of a union between them for the purpose of caring for children, when the roles are divided, it is also a benefit that gives an advantage. The female body was created for the sake of children, and God made it attractive and enticing for men. When the breasts are ripe for milk, and a narrow waist indicates the absence of pregnancy, it is truly attractive to men. But all this is not for the sake of pleasure, but for the sake of reproduction! And only being seized by the Spirit of Common Sense, real Reason, then it is possible to discard sensory stimuli and perceive everything as it is directly. Realizing the essence of the relationship between the sexes. It should be so that a man seeks a mother for his future children, and a woman a father. Everyone is preparing to become a parent. Righteousness and fidelity are the only healthy and reasonable way of life. But to live like this, another life guide is needed. It is necessary to break out from the level of animals to the level of homo sapiens. This is possible when people are under the yoke of Reason - the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Common Sense. It is necessary to strive for harmony between people, where the value of a person is not in position and talents, but in the presence of Reasonable Life in him. If everyone is given a vehicle, which is our body, then everyone gets something different, everyone has their own characteristics, but the drivers inside are universal and have the same value. The main thing is that the autopilot is turned off, otherwise such a person will be prone to irrational behavior.
Society should be built on the priority of common sense. The healthcare system should focus on maintaining public health. The education system should prioritize education for all, where anyone can gain knowledge from freely available video and text material. Then everyone can take exams in special centers. The more useful the professor's teaching material, the more successful students there will be, and accordingly, the professor's salary should be higher. Passing the exam is paid, but accessible to the poor. This should be the only financial requirement for students. It is possible to pass exams within large enterprises and not only, if the specialty corresponds to the profile and they recommend the material for training. Everyone is interested in quickly passing the exam on the first try, so as not to spend extra money on retaking. There are no bad economic and political systems - there is bad human nature. At the moment, the system that wins is one where there is a system of checks and balances, where the main priority of the state is law-abiding and honestly working citizens, where they create the majority and are the middle class. Any state needs honest organizers, honest creators of businesses, both small and medium, and large, to prosper. If an environment is maintained where honest and hardworking people prosper, then there will be more of them, and all well-being rests on such people. If scammers, deceivers, manipulators and criminals are given the right to terrorize the population, then this will discourage honest work and investment. All poor countries suffer from this. The enemies of society are psychopaths, sociopaths and criminals. This is what the law enforcement system and legislation should focus on. It is necessary to make it natural from a legal point of view to protect the honest party, even if the scammer pretends to be a victim. For this, the law must have a universal rule that common sense prevails in any legal process and everyone is able to appeal for free the right to instantly change or supplement laws to protect common sense at any stage of the proceedings. So that, for example, in the case of patent fraud, dishonest people, including lawyers and judges, could not use existing laws against common sense and bankrupt start-ups and organizations and terrorize large and established ones. And anyone caught doing this should be convicted, even if it is a judge. Psychopaths and sociopaths are looking for opportunities to both illegally and legally mock people and get rich on this. This is necessary now, but in the future the law will be simplified. It originally exists to protect the righteous, honestly producing goods. If there were no parasites who not only use other people's labor, but also destroy honest people, then there would be no need for laws, only agreed upon rules. The most oppressed group of people throughout history have been righteous workers. And this is not necessarily manual labor. This also applies to people with organizational skills, initiating and creating production and complex projects where many people are involved. They are the driving force, by the way, thanks to their initiative and enterprise. Dictators can force manual labor, but they kill all initiative in talented organizers.