How does an ordinary person function? Feelings and emotions motivate him. Even if not directly, memory will help to understand what feelings and emotions will result from certain actions. But it may also be that the memory of past feelings and the expectation of similar sensations are weaker than emotions at a particular moment. Then a person, contrary to the so-called “common sense”, will do something reckless. Common sense in quotes, because pleasant feelings in the future, for which a person tries so hard, may not make sense at all and may even harm both him and others, for example, euphoria from drugs. The point is that absolute common sense in such a system can only be achieved by chance.
It is not easy to understand what I am saying. You need to experience it and try it on yourself. Even if you know from holy books that the unspiritual does not understand the spiritual, you do not understand what is being discussed, although you consider this phrase wise. A spiritual birth or awakening is needed. A person can sometimes have flashes of insight, when the spiritual seeps through the darkness. An individual becomes especially sensitive when feelings and emotions have failed him, when the situation is hopeless from the point of view of feelings and they do not find a way out for him and even logic does not help, because it is limited by his type of thinking and fixation on his point of view. He is like in a closed box, he does not see where there is an exit from the outside. If a person is “on horseback”, if he has everything under control and he will solve all the problems himself with or without the help of others, then he will not pay attention to the Spirit and will not turn to Him. His feelings and emotions have formed his own logic and way of thinking. Spirit cannot be conquered, it is impossible to capture Him, force Him, persuade Him by explaining how bad you are now, that He must and is obliged to help you. And when He comes to you, He does not come to solve your problems. He comes, or rather you become open to Him, so that you can gain another vision, another life guideline and if you are ready, then Spiritual birth. He will give you a calm understanding of the situation, without embellishment, an understanding of cause and effect. And not just an understanding that you have taken the wrong step on your path, but that your path is wrong from the very beginning. He will give an understanding of the way out, but in many cases this may not completely help, but only minimize the consequences, but most importantly, it will give the strength to accept the situation in which you find yourself. This Spirit is the Spirit of Common Sense. And it is right to have Him as your guidance not just on your deathbed, but from the very beginning to the end of your life's path. And this must be taught from childhood.
As I just said, He cannot be forced or persuaded. You can only turn to Him humbly, admitting defeat and without excuses, but also without self-accusations. When you discover Him in yourself, you will find that the silent trees, mountains, stars know about Him. Paradoxically, the deeper you penetrate into yourself, the more you will notice what is happening outside. It is possible to find Him not only in difficult periods of life, but also on an ordinary day. And it is even better to do this when everything is fine with you. Then it will be easier for you to find sincerity in yourself. You seek Him because you want to find Him, and not to solve problems. I told you in the second video how I wondered if it was possible that God was more important to me at this very moment when I had goosebumps from pleasant music? It turned out that His presence was more significant and pleasant.